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Waynesboro, Virginia
trying to live each day with a positive mindset. here to share what I see, feel, think....all because of God above. Spreading the joy :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our Path.

    So yesterday was more of a trying day for someone very close to me. I know that almost all of us have our days filled of ups and downs, yesterday just so happened to be a down. But with every trial, we can have a triumph. We need to have these "bad" days to build us back up again, to show us how to be truly thankful for all the blessings we have in our life. Whether those blessings may be friends, family, our jobs, our homes, a kind compliment from someone, getting a loving hug, literally WHATEVER. Whatever brings your happiness and strength to your life. On our bad days we may not see the good in it.
We may ask ourselves, "why is this happening to me?". Many times I feel like it's difficult to find the answer. But today after listening to a new song I downloaded from The Drummond Family, I found a possible answer.
         As I said earlier, I think a great answer to this question is that with every trial, we can have triumph. We will have times that will test our patience, kindness, positivity, and strength. We won't understand why this has happened along our path, but GOD does. He has set a path out for all of us. Our very own, personalized journey through Christ. We need to have the unfailing faith in him to believe in this path, no matter what. People's faith may wane, and I won't be the first to say that this has happened to me, but I always have to remind myself to look at the bigger picture. He leads me, and the path is not always going to be easy. If it was, there would be no change to life! It would become a boring stroll. Don't you want a mix of running, skipping, tripping, falling, but then STANDING UP and walking again? This is what makes each of our lives so interesting. It is what makes life, LIFE!
        So if you are having a tough time with something, turn to Him. Trust me, it will help :)

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